
Green Your Future!

Friday, January 21, 2011


EcoSolar merupakan charger multifungsi yang memanfaatkan tenaga cahaya, terutama matahari. Tenaga cahaya yang ada diserap melalui panel surya di charger yang kemudian bisa berubah menjadi energi untuk men-charge gadget anda.

IDR 200k
Contact Us with comment on this post if you want to buy or get more information!




Global warming issues have been surrounding our environment since some decades and have brought a great deal of damages to the mother earth. Therefore, to reduce damages, EcoEnergy invented a new way to gradually save our mother to be a better place.

EcoEnergy gives you an environmentally friendly portable charger that uses a solar energy for recharging your gadgets’ battery called EcoSolar. Notice the plural form in gadgets word? Yes, EcoSolar doesn’t only charges a gadget but it can charge some gadgets because we provide some plugs that fit to some gadgets too. So, it would be a great investment by buying our product.

As a new business we have a vision to be a trusted corporation in technology field and keep producing environmentally friendly product consistently. To accomplish this vision we have some mission to be done such as spreading words about EcoEnergy’s products, focusing on effective yet efficient technology product, keeping the best quality by doing some teamwork with the supplier based on honesty, fairness and mutually beneficial. Last but not least, every employee should have a great sense of belongings to EcoEnergy and taking responsibility based on the values that has been sowed, planted and grown in the company.
Found in 2010, EcoEnergy firstly launches its products on Jan 22nd, 2011 at Prasetiya Mulya Business School BSD during Entrepreneur Day 2011 event on 10:00a.m till drop. Come, Join & Try Us on our first launching day.